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Sainsburys Colleague Handbook

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  1. Sainsburys Colleague Handbook Template
  2. Sainsburys Our Colleague Handbook
  3. Sainsburys Colleague Handbook Examples
  4. Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook For Teachers
  5. Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Breaks
  6. Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Pdf
  7. Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Letter

Sainsbury's Supermarkets is Britain's longest standing major food retailing chain (Annual Report and Financial Statements 2005). In addition to a wide range of quality food and grocery products, many stores offer delicatessen, meat and fish counters, complementary non-food products such as clothing and home ware, pharmacies, coffee shops. For all Sainsbury's and Sainsbury's Argos colleagues, our Colleague Handbook highlights our brand values and outlines their rights and responsibilities, including topics related to human rights. We want to be the most inclusive retailer, where every single one of our colleagues can fulfil their potential. J Sainsbury plc: employee handbook for retail departments. This site uses cookies I understand More information. University of Warwick Library Modern Records Centre.


The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a framework within whichconstructive employment relationships can be maintained and developed.Throughout Sainsbury's people are central to our future profitability. Successwill depend on the positive atmosphere that we create and the excellent servicewe provide to our customers.

Sainsbury's mission is to be the UK customers' first choice for foodshopping. Quality, great service and competitive cost, supporting ourcolleagues and creating an environment where they will support us in achievingthese goals are essential. Colleagues' commitment to flexibility and adaptableworking practices making full use of their skills, training and expertise is avital element to secure improved business performance, employment opportunitiesand to deliver improved results to maximise returns for our shareholders.

By working better together we can balance the needs of the business and theneeds and interests of colleagues both collectively and individually. Theparties to this Agreement recognise the Trade Union has a constructive andeffective role to play in the employment relationship and can add value to thedecision making process. This new improved National Agreement embodies theprincipals of the 'way we work' – faster, simpler, together. The parties willensure the terms and the spirit of this Agreement are continually respected andimplemented by both parties.

1. Recognition

This Agreement is between Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited hereafter knownas (The Company) and the Union of Shop Distributive and Allied Workershereafter known as (The Union). The Company recognises Usdaw as the solerepresentative Union for all Sainsbury's colleagues covered by this Agreement.It is recognised the Company needs to manage and organise the business, in turnthe Union has a right to represent the views and interests of its members whichwill be considered by the Company when making such decisions. Both partiesconfirm that the purpose of the Agreement is to outline the procedures relevantto recruitment, recognition and representation rights of the Union as they areapplied within each individual store. It is accepted that the Company operatescommon personnel procedures and conditions of employment across all stores, andonly the interpretation or application of these can be challenged at locallevel. It is agreed that the content of such policies and procedures should bethe subject of consultation when necessary, at National Level.

2. Scope of Agreement

The Agreement covers:

2.1 Sainsbury's colleagues (Bands 1, 2 and 3) in all existing Usdawrecognised stores.

2.2 Unrecognised or new stores including acquisitions will be allocated forrecruitment purposes on the following basis.

Alternative allocation between each of the two recognised Trade Unions willbe made within each of the three store categories below:

- Small stores – up to 150 colleagues.

- Medium stores – 151-300 colleagues.

- Large stores – 301 plus colleagues.

2.3 Recognition will then be granted on the following basis:

- The Union writes requesting recognition to the Regional Human ResourcePartner (RHRP) providing evidence of the necessary levels of membership.

- Recognition will then be granted by the RHRP.

2.4 If there is no take up at the store then the other recognised union canrequest to the Business Partner Human Resource Store Operations for permissionto approach the store for recruitment purposes.

3. General Principals

3.1 The Company and the Union are committed to working together in a spiritof co-operation to benefit the Company, colleagues, shareholders andcustomers.

3.2 The parties to this Agreement recognise that the success of the Companyis paramount to the wellbeing of all colleagues and is the basis on whichimprovements in pay and conditions, continued employment security andmaximising shareholders' returns can be achieved.


3.3 The parties agree that good relationships between them are essential tosupporting and achieving the mission to be the first choice for food. This canbe achieved through mutual respect, openness and trust.

3.4 The parties recognise that change is inevitable and desirable. Toachieve continued commercial success the Company will have to maximise thecontribution of all its colleagues. By adapting best practice in regards to themethods of working and the flexible organisation of work, both parties agree tomanage the impact of contractual change in a responsible, timely andconstructive manner.

3.5 The Company recognises the rights of its colleagues to belong to a TradeUnion and agrees to bring to the attention of all employees the existence ofour relationship with the unions in recognised stores.

3.6 The Union will have the facility to explain the value and benefits ofunion membership to all new colleagues as part of the induction process.

4. Representation

4.1 Colleagues of the Company who are members of the Union may beelected/selected as workplace Union representatives to represent Union membersin accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.2 Union representatives will be permanent colleagues and should normallyhave no less than one year's service with the Company prior to nomination(except in the case of new stores).

4.3 The number of Union Representatives in each recognised store will be aminimum of two to a maximum of four full-time equivalent, this will be based onthe store size and the number of colleagues employed in each store asfollows:

- Small stores – (up to 150 colleagues) a maximum of two Unionrepresentatives.

- Medium stores – (151 to 300 colleagues) a maximum of three Unionrepresentatives.

- Large stores – (301 plus colleagues) a maximum of four Unionrepresentatives.

4.4 All the representatives must be mutually acceptable to the Union and theCompany. The Company will not unreasonably object to the choice ofrepresentative. In the event that the Company does object to a specificnomination, their objection will be put in writing to the Area Organiserconcerned. The Area Organiser can challenge the objection, following which ameeting will be held to resolve the matter. Should it be necessary, the matterwill be determined by the National Officer and the Business Partner for HumanResource Store Operations.

4.5 All the representatives must be mutually acceptable to the Union and theCompany. The Company will not unreasonably object to the choice ofrepresentative. In the event that the Company does object to a specificnomination their objection will be put in writing to the Area Organiserconcerned. The Area Organiser can appeal against the objection, following whicha meeting will be held to resolve the matter. Should it be necessary, thematter will be determined by the National Officer and the Senior Manager forRetail Human Resources.

4.6 The Union will provide the Company with names of the representativesimmediately after the election has taken place.

4.7 As soon as an employee ceases to be a member of the Union, theirappointment as Union representative will also cease.

4.8 The parties recognise that it is in the interests of all concerned toensure Union representatives receive the very best training and development toenable them to carry out their duties in a reasonable and effective way. TheCompany agrees to provide Union representatives with reasonable paid time offto attend training courses, as detailed in Appendix A.

5. Facilities

The Company will make facilities available for Unionrepresentatives/officials to carry out their duties and responsibilities underthis Agreement.

5.1 The Union representatives will be allowed reasonable paid time off toconduct Union activities specified in this Agreement.

5.2 The Company will provide Union representatives with a 15 minute sectionat each company induction for the purpose of recruitment, to explain the valueand benefits of Union membership to all new store colleagues.

5.3 The Company will make the Union representative aware of induction times.The Union will provide seven days' notice to the Store Manager of theirintention to attend an induction.

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5.4 Union representatives requesting time off for Union duties must informtheir duty manager as far as possible in advance of likely length of absenceand the purpose.

5.5 Should the Company request that such time off be postponed foroperational reasons the parties will endeavour to agree a suitable alternative.Neither party will act unreasonably on the question of postponement.

5.6 The Company will provide Union representatives with the facilities tocommunicate with other employees, these will include:

- Union noticeboard.

- Internal mailing system.

- Access to telephones.

- Use of filing cabinet.

5.7 The Union representative will seek agreement from the Store Manager ofthe content of any Union literature to be displayed or circulated within thestore.

5.8 Union representatives will be allowed to receive or make phone callsapplicable to their roles as Union representatives. Representatives agree touse these facilities responsibly and with due consideration.

5.9 The parties recognise that Union meetings can be mutually beneficialwhen held on Company premises. Willow cricket live streaming australia vs england. Permission to hold such meetings must beobtained in advance from the Store Manager, such permission will not beunreasonably withheld.

5.10 The Company will deduct Union subscriptions where authorised throughthe Company's payroll system. These will be forwarded to the Union on an agreedbasis.

6. Full-Time Officials

The partners to this Agreement recognise that the Union's full-time officialmust follow the following procedure when visiting the store for recruitmentpurposes:

- Telephone or write to the Store Manager at least seven days in advance ofthe planned visit.

- Follow the normal visitors' procedures.

- Visits can be made at any time throughout the 7 days operation, andofficials can circulate freely within the Staff restaurant and any other areasagreed by the Store Manager, eg the clocking in areas, this must not interferewith the day-to-day operation of the store.

- Visits must not be made for recruitment purposes during busy tradingperiods, ie Christmas, Easter, Bank Holidays or during a storerefurbishment.

7. New Openings

7.1 The Union will receive automatic recognition as laid down by theAgreement.

7.2 The Union will not visit new stores for the purpose of recruitment untilthree months after the store has opened, although they may attend inductionsessions as detailed in Section 5 of this Agreement.

7.3 The Company agrees to provide National Officers with reasonable noticeof all new store openings.

8. Union Representative Training and Development

8.1 It is agreed the Union will provide training to Union workplacerepresentatives, which is appropriate to their role. By agreement, the Companywill allow paid time leave in order that this training takes place as detailedin Appendix A.

8.2 Workplace representatives will not be allowed to attend Union trainingcourses during peak trading periods (Christmas, Easter, Bank Holidays). Shouldthe Company be unable to release a workplace representative for operationalreasons, every effort will be made to accommodate them for the next availablecourse.

8.3 Three Union representatives from each of the six consultative regionswill be granted paid time off to attend the Annual Sainsbury's DelegateMeeting.

9. Consultative Structures

The parties recognise that communication and consultation between theCompany and its employees is vital and that a representative trade union has aconstructive and effective role to play in the employment relationship. Tofacilitate that process, joint regional and national consultative structureshave been established.

9.1 No more than one representative from a store may be a member of theRegional or National Consultative Committee at any one time.

9.2 Representatives to the Regional and National Joint Consultative meetingswill be elected every two years.

9.3 The Company will grant paid time off to the Union representativesattending consultative meetings.

9.4 Reasonable travel costs and overnight accommodation (where necessary)will be met by the Company.

9.5 Minutes of the Regional and National Consultative meetings will becirculated by the Company to all stores and all Union representatives.

Details of the meetings can be found in Appendix B.

10. Meetings

10.1 Three Union representatives from each of the six consultative regionswill be granted paid time off to travel to and attend the Annual Sainsbury'sDelegate Meeting.

10.2 The Company will consider requests for unpaid time off for other Unionrepresentatives to attend.

10.3 Up to 3 representatives will be given paid time off to attend theUnions Annual Delegate Conference.

10.4 Reasonable written notification must be received by the Company fromthe National Officer at least 4 weeks in advance of the meeting.

10.5 The parties agree that any further requests for time off forrepresentatives will be subject to agreement.

11. Failure to Agree

The purpose of this procedure is to resolve differences between parties atthe earliest stage of procedure. The parties to this Agreement recognise thatdifferences between them may arise. They will work to resolve these differencesin the spirit of partnership and the terms of this Agreement until allprocedures have been exhausted, no unilateral action will be taken.

Stage 1

Any issues of either an individual or collective nature which cannot beresolved by the relevant line manager should be discussed between the Unionrepresentative and the Store Manager with a view to reaching an agreement.

Stage 2

In the event the matter is not resolved at Stage 1, it will be discussedbetween the Regional Business Manager, or designated Senior Store Manager, thefull-time official with the involvement of the Regional HR Partner. Undercertain circumstances dependent upon the nature of the issue it will beacceptable for the Store Manager to discuss the issue with the full-timeofficial.

Stage 3

If no agreement is reached at this level, the Union's National Officer andthe Business Partner for HR Store Operations will be consulted.

Final Stage

If the matter remains unresolved, the parties will refer to ACAS forconciliation.

- Having reached agreement, both parties will have an obligation to ensureits terms are carried out.

12. Disciplinary and Appeals Procedure

The parties agree that an effective disciplinary and appeals procedure isnecessary for promoting employment relations and fairness in the treatment ofindividuals. It is unlikely that any store or disciplinary rules can cover allcircumstances that may arise, however, it is essential that certain standardsor performance be maintained to protect the efficient running of the Companyand wellbeing of all its colleagues. The procedure is designed to help andencourage all colleagues to achieve and maintain appropriate standards ofconduct, attendance and job performance. The disciplinary and appeals procedurewill be in the Employee Handbook and will be available from the PersonnelDepartment within each store.

13. Fair Treatment Procedure

The Company recognises that from time to time employees may have a grievanceor complaint about their employment. The Company policy is to help anindividual who has a complaint get it sorted fairly, confidentially andwherever possible, locally and informally. The parties of the Agreementrecognise that all employees have the right to a working environment free frombullying and harassment and regard any such conduct as a serious andunacceptable form of behaviour. Such behaviour will be regarded as a seriousdisciplinary offence warranting, where appropriate, summary dismissal. The FairTreatment procedure will be in the Employee Handbook and will be available fromthe Personnel Department within each store.

14. Equal Opportunities

The parties to this Agreement are committed to the development of positivepolicies to promote equal opportunities in employment regardless of acolleague's sex, marital status (nee), colour, race, ethnic origins,disability, trade union membership or sexual orientation. This principle willapply in respect of all conditions of work.

14.1 The Company encourages training and development of all colleagues andprovides promotion opportunities equally to those colleagues looking foradvancement. The Union pledges its full support of this activity.

14.2 If a colleague considers that he or she may be subject to unequaltreatment, then he or she may make a complaint, which will be dealt withthrough the agreed Fair Treatment procedure.

15. Health and Safety

Both parties recognise their joint responsibility for Health and Safety atWork and the necessity for having an effective and comprehensive Health andSafety Policy.

The procedures laid down in the Health and Safety at Work Act will beadhered to:

- A designated Health and Safety Representative will be appointed by theUnion in each store.

- working hours to perform their duties and also undergo any such trainingas may be agreed by the Company and the Union.

16. Amendment/Termination

- One month's notice will be given in writing to amend any clause in thisAgreement.

- Six months' notice in writing will be given to terminate thisAgreement.

17. Date of Operation

This Agreement will be operative from 14 November 2001 and will supersedeany previous Agreement.

Signed for on behalf of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited _______ JohnAdshead - Director

Signed on behalf of the Usdaw Union __________________________ John Hannett– Deputy General Secretary


Appendix A


These arrangements for training are intended to provide Usdaw shop stewardswith a systematic programme to support them in their role. The training isseparated into the following parts:

1. Initial briefing for new shop stewards. 2. Introductory training course.3. Follow On training. 4. Specialist training. 5. Access to Company skillstraining. 6. Support for informal learning

Training for Safety Representatives is covered in a separate paper.

Principles for Training

- It is primarily the responsibility of Usdaw to train its representatives,though the Company must also play its role.

- Training should be ongoing, flexible and based around participativelearning.

- Attendance on Company skills training courses is supplementary to and doesnot replace Usdaw's training.

1. Initial Briefing for New Shop Stewards

This briefing introduces a new representative to the role of the shopsteward, the importance of constructive industrial relations and the support,training and assistance available to the shop steward.

More specifically, the briefing will cover the following topics:


- The relationship between the manager and the shop steward.

- The shop steward's pack.

- The role of the representative in.

- Representation.

- Advice and Communication.

- Recruitment.

- The support and assistance available.

- The facilities available for the shop steward.

- Future training and support.


- Gathering and recording information.

- Listening.


- Open and honest approach to the role.

- Trustworthy and approachable.

- Working together with the store manager.

- Equal opportunities.

The briefing will take place on-site as soon as possible after election andwill last up to four hours. The briefing will be taken by the Usdaw AreaOrganiser with the store manager attending for the discussion about therelationship between the manager and the shop steward.

2. Introductory Training Course

This course will concentrate on helping Union representatives to representmembers in the procedures, to recruit members, to develop better workingrelationships with members, other officials and managers and, finally, todevelop a better understanding of trade union aims and values.

The emphasis is on developing the representatives' confidence and supportingthe representatives in their role within the store context.


- The role of representative.

- Grievance and disciplinary procedures.

- Union aims and values.

Sainsburys Colleague Handbook Template

- Union services and benefits.

- Basic Union/Company structures.

- Contracts and sources of information.

- Recruiting.

- Developing working relationships with members, managers and officials.


- Interviewing members.

- Note taking and recording information.

- Meeting skills (one to one, small groups).

- Listening skills.

- Feedback/reporting skills (one to one, small groups).

- Advocacy/representation.

- Locating and assessing information.

- Extracting key points from documents and statements.

- A methodical approach.


- Open, honest, credible and confident approach that is assertive but notaggressive.

- Equal opportunities for all.

3. Follow On Training Course

This course aims to focus on helping Union representatives to re-cap onrepresentational matters, to develop recruiting and presentational skills (withan emphasis on using the Induction session), to develop their ability toparticipate in Sainsbury or Usdaw structures and finally to develop anunderstanding of the equal opportunities, financial and legal context in whichthe Company operates.

There is greater emphasis on the wider context in which store matters takeplace.


- A re-cap on procedures.

- Speaking skills and running indications.

- Meeting management/negotiating skills.

- Harassment/bullying and equal opportunities issues and procedures.

- Sainsbury/Usdaw structures.

- Financial and sector awareness.

- Company/Usdaw structure.

- An introduction to employment law (in particular dismissal).


- Skills needed to run induction sessions and meeting skills.

- Presentational skills for groups, using video equipment and other aids.

- Extracting information from complex documents.

- Developing reporting and committee skills.


- Reinforcing the attributes covered on the introductory course.

- Promoting equal opportunities for all.

4. Specialist Training

More experienced shop stewards will require ad hoc training to meet specificneeds. Such training could include:

- Usdaw annual summer school.

- Usdaw training for branch officers.

- Usdaw/TUC training on specific subjects such as changes to employment law,equal opportunities, etc.

- TUC summer schools.

Additionally, Usdaw will provide opportunities for members and shop stewardsto attend specialist weekend courses organised by local Federations.

5. Access to Company Skills Training

Training provided by the Company may be useful for Usdaw shop stewards. Thiscould include modular sessions covering:

- Influencing skills.

- Problem solving.

- Decision making.

- Team building.

- Effective meetings.

- Communication skills.

Such training is intended to supplement and not replace training provided byUsdaw.

6. Support for Informal Learning

Learning not only takes place on formal courses but also throughopportunities to share knowledge and experience with other representatives.This informal learning helps the new and not so new representatives pick up theskills and knowledge needed to be well versed Union representatives. Thefollowing examples of good practice have been identified as opportunities forinformal learning.

Shadowing Experienced Representatives

A newly appointed representative can learn a lot from shadowing a moreexperienced representative. This would mean shadowing the experiencedrepresentative during a number of separate activities. These would include:

- Interviewing a member.

- Recruiting members.

- Attending a grievance hearing.

- Attending a disciplinary hearing.

- Seeking the answer to a query.

Sitting In/Shadowing Induction

The newly appointed representative can attend induction sessions with anexperienced representative or an Area Organiser. There should be time beforeand after the session to discuss what will happen and to debrief.

Representatives' Meeting Once a Month

Meeting other representatives gives opportunities to learn from each other'sexperience. This meeting would involve all the representatives in a store. Itwould provide an opportunity to share experience and review current practice.The agenda would include the following:

- Review of Action Points from previous meeting.

- Enquiries and current issues.

- Problems dealt with (grievance, discipline, etc).

- Report from meetings with management.

- Recruitment progress.

- Any other business.

- Action points.

Meeting with Regional Representatives

There will be an opportunity for new representatives to meet with regionalrepresentatives.


Appendix B

Regional Consultative Structure



- The regional consultative structures will consist of six regions.

- They will meet three times a year.

- One Union representative from each store will attend a Union only meetingto discuss and prepare an agenda for the joint meeting.

- The agenda will be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the jointmeeting.

- Joint Company meeting.


Regional Business Manager. Regional Human Resource partner. Full-time Unionofficial. Six Union representatives per region.

Format of the Meeting

Business Review.

Business Activity.

People Activity.

- Resourcing.

- Training.

- Culture.

- Policies.

T&G discussion items/tabled in advance communication of agreed agendaitems.

National Consultative Structure


- Two meetings per year, March and October.

- Union only meeting prior to joint meeting.

- The agenda will be submitted at least four weeks in advance of the jointmeeting.


- Senior Manager, Retail Operations.

- Senior Manager, Human Resource Retail.

- National Officer.

- Area Organiser x 1.

- Twelve Regional Union Representatives (must include Rep from NorthernIreland).

This article consists of 29 pages and 5481 words.

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Employee Handbook – TESCO




Employee Handbook – TESCO, A company which started off as a small stall in East London by Jack Cohen in 1919 is now a globally renowned retailer. It has expanded its business operations across 12 countries with 7,817 stores employing more than half a million employees in order to serve over millions of customers each week. UK being the home country for the company, Tesco's network consists of 3,561 stores serving 66 customers every second with the core value of giving them a better experience on every shopping trip. The company is headed towards challenging global crises like obesity and food waste through its widespread network (Tesco plc, 2015a).

Mission Statement

Tesco's mission is customer centric as the company wants to serve its consumers providing them a better quality and smooth way of living. Tesco communicates with its customers and incorporates innovation in the service style to better satisfy the needs of customers (Tesco plc, 2015a).

Sainsburys Our Colleague Handbook

Purpose of the human resource section

Human Resource department provides structure to the organization, managing the backbone of the company i.e. its employees. Its role starts with recruiting the best suitable candidates and therefore requires an in depth understanding of the need of the organization and also the applicant's qualities. HR needs to ensure workplace safety to compensate staff's health and safety at all times at the workplace. The department also looks into maintaining good relations between the employees and employer.

HR managers remain alert towards resolving any workplace conflicts that may arise, before these turn into a mob of unsatisfied labour unions (Ulrich, 2013; and Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Measuring job satisfaction at intervals helps in being up to date with an employee's commitment to the company's operations. Compensations, rewards and benefits are to be managed by HR, TESCO Employee Handbook for this they need to access performance of employees diligently. Continuous training and development of the employees at professional and personal level is also HR's responsibility; as both extrinsically and intrinsically satisfied employees will deliver the best service to the company (Mayhew, n.d.)

Human Resource Management

Personal Management

Personal management is an administrative function within an organisation which is carried out through the role of appointing and developing work force and abiding by the employment laws and related tasks (Reddy, 2004).


3.3 The parties agree that good relationships between them are essential tosupporting and achieving the mission to be the first choice for food. This canbe achieved through mutual respect, openness and trust.

3.4 The parties recognise that change is inevitable and desirable. Toachieve continued commercial success the Company will have to maximise thecontribution of all its colleagues. By adapting best practice in regards to themethods of working and the flexible organisation of work, both parties agree tomanage the impact of contractual change in a responsible, timely andconstructive manner.

3.5 The Company recognises the rights of its colleagues to belong to a TradeUnion and agrees to bring to the attention of all employees the existence ofour relationship with the unions in recognised stores.

3.6 The Union will have the facility to explain the value and benefits ofunion membership to all new colleagues as part of the induction process.

4. Representation

4.1 Colleagues of the Company who are members of the Union may beelected/selected as workplace Union representatives to represent Union membersin accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.2 Union representatives will be permanent colleagues and should normallyhave no less than one year's service with the Company prior to nomination(except in the case of new stores).

4.3 The number of Union Representatives in each recognised store will be aminimum of two to a maximum of four full-time equivalent, this will be based onthe store size and the number of colleagues employed in each store asfollows:

- Small stores – (up to 150 colleagues) a maximum of two Unionrepresentatives.

- Medium stores – (151 to 300 colleagues) a maximum of three Unionrepresentatives.

- Large stores – (301 plus colleagues) a maximum of four Unionrepresentatives.

4.4 All the representatives must be mutually acceptable to the Union and theCompany. The Company will not unreasonably object to the choice ofrepresentative. In the event that the Company does object to a specificnomination, their objection will be put in writing to the Area Organiserconcerned. The Area Organiser can challenge the objection, following which ameeting will be held to resolve the matter. Should it be necessary, the matterwill be determined by the National Officer and the Business Partner for HumanResource Store Operations.

4.5 All the representatives must be mutually acceptable to the Union and theCompany. The Company will not unreasonably object to the choice ofrepresentative. In the event that the Company does object to a specificnomination their objection will be put in writing to the Area Organiserconcerned. The Area Organiser can appeal against the objection, following whicha meeting will be held to resolve the matter. Should it be necessary, thematter will be determined by the National Officer and the Senior Manager forRetail Human Resources.

4.6 The Union will provide the Company with names of the representativesimmediately after the election has taken place.

4.7 As soon as an employee ceases to be a member of the Union, theirappointment as Union representative will also cease.

4.8 The parties recognise that it is in the interests of all concerned toensure Union representatives receive the very best training and development toenable them to carry out their duties in a reasonable and effective way. TheCompany agrees to provide Union representatives with reasonable paid time offto attend training courses, as detailed in Appendix A.

5. Facilities

The Company will make facilities available for Unionrepresentatives/officials to carry out their duties and responsibilities underthis Agreement.

5.1 The Union representatives will be allowed reasonable paid time off toconduct Union activities specified in this Agreement.

5.2 The Company will provide Union representatives with a 15 minute sectionat each company induction for the purpose of recruitment, to explain the valueand benefits of Union membership to all new store colleagues.

5.3 The Company will make the Union representative aware of induction times.The Union will provide seven days' notice to the Store Manager of theirintention to attend an induction.

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5.4 Union representatives requesting time off for Union duties must informtheir duty manager as far as possible in advance of likely length of absenceand the purpose.

5.5 Should the Company request that such time off be postponed foroperational reasons the parties will endeavour to agree a suitable alternative.Neither party will act unreasonably on the question of postponement.

5.6 The Company will provide Union representatives with the facilities tocommunicate with other employees, these will include:

- Union noticeboard.

- Internal mailing system.

- Access to telephones.

- Use of filing cabinet.

5.7 The Union representative will seek agreement from the Store Manager ofthe content of any Union literature to be displayed or circulated within thestore.

5.8 Union representatives will be allowed to receive or make phone callsapplicable to their roles as Union representatives. Representatives agree touse these facilities responsibly and with due consideration.

5.9 The parties recognise that Union meetings can be mutually beneficialwhen held on Company premises. Willow cricket live streaming australia vs england. Permission to hold such meetings must beobtained in advance from the Store Manager, such permission will not beunreasonably withheld.

5.10 The Company will deduct Union subscriptions where authorised throughthe Company's payroll system. These will be forwarded to the Union on an agreedbasis.

6. Full-Time Officials

The partners to this Agreement recognise that the Union's full-time officialmust follow the following procedure when visiting the store for recruitmentpurposes:

- Telephone or write to the Store Manager at least seven days in advance ofthe planned visit.

- Follow the normal visitors' procedures.

- Visits can be made at any time throughout the 7 days operation, andofficials can circulate freely within the Staff restaurant and any other areasagreed by the Store Manager, eg the clocking in areas, this must not interferewith the day-to-day operation of the store.

- Visits must not be made for recruitment purposes during busy tradingperiods, ie Christmas, Easter, Bank Holidays or during a storerefurbishment.

7. New Openings

7.1 The Union will receive automatic recognition as laid down by theAgreement.

7.2 The Union will not visit new stores for the purpose of recruitment untilthree months after the store has opened, although they may attend inductionsessions as detailed in Section 5 of this Agreement.

7.3 The Company agrees to provide National Officers with reasonable noticeof all new store openings.

8. Union Representative Training and Development

8.1 It is agreed the Union will provide training to Union workplacerepresentatives, which is appropriate to their role. By agreement, the Companywill allow paid time leave in order that this training takes place as detailedin Appendix A.

8.2 Workplace representatives will not be allowed to attend Union trainingcourses during peak trading periods (Christmas, Easter, Bank Holidays). Shouldthe Company be unable to release a workplace representative for operationalreasons, every effort will be made to accommodate them for the next availablecourse.

8.3 Three Union representatives from each of the six consultative regionswill be granted paid time off to attend the Annual Sainsbury's DelegateMeeting.

9. Consultative Structures

The parties recognise that communication and consultation between theCompany and its employees is vital and that a representative trade union has aconstructive and effective role to play in the employment relationship. Tofacilitate that process, joint regional and national consultative structureshave been established.

9.1 No more than one representative from a store may be a member of theRegional or National Consultative Committee at any one time.

9.2 Representatives to the Regional and National Joint Consultative meetingswill be elected every two years.

9.3 The Company will grant paid time off to the Union representativesattending consultative meetings.

9.4 Reasonable travel costs and overnight accommodation (where necessary)will be met by the Company.

9.5 Minutes of the Regional and National Consultative meetings will becirculated by the Company to all stores and all Union representatives.

Details of the meetings can be found in Appendix B.

10. Meetings

10.1 Three Union representatives from each of the six consultative regionswill be granted paid time off to travel to and attend the Annual Sainsbury'sDelegate Meeting.

10.2 The Company will consider requests for unpaid time off for other Unionrepresentatives to attend.

10.3 Up to 3 representatives will be given paid time off to attend theUnions Annual Delegate Conference.

10.4 Reasonable written notification must be received by the Company fromthe National Officer at least 4 weeks in advance of the meeting.

10.5 The parties agree that any further requests for time off forrepresentatives will be subject to agreement.

11. Failure to Agree

The purpose of this procedure is to resolve differences between parties atthe earliest stage of procedure. The parties to this Agreement recognise thatdifferences between them may arise. They will work to resolve these differencesin the spirit of partnership and the terms of this Agreement until allprocedures have been exhausted, no unilateral action will be taken.

Stage 1

Any issues of either an individual or collective nature which cannot beresolved by the relevant line manager should be discussed between the Unionrepresentative and the Store Manager with a view to reaching an agreement.

Stage 2

In the event the matter is not resolved at Stage 1, it will be discussedbetween the Regional Business Manager, or designated Senior Store Manager, thefull-time official with the involvement of the Regional HR Partner. Undercertain circumstances dependent upon the nature of the issue it will beacceptable for the Store Manager to discuss the issue with the full-timeofficial.

Stage 3

If no agreement is reached at this level, the Union's National Officer andthe Business Partner for HR Store Operations will be consulted.

Final Stage

If the matter remains unresolved, the parties will refer to ACAS forconciliation.

- Having reached agreement, both parties will have an obligation to ensureits terms are carried out.

12. Disciplinary and Appeals Procedure

The parties agree that an effective disciplinary and appeals procedure isnecessary for promoting employment relations and fairness in the treatment ofindividuals. It is unlikely that any store or disciplinary rules can cover allcircumstances that may arise, however, it is essential that certain standardsor performance be maintained to protect the efficient running of the Companyand wellbeing of all its colleagues. The procedure is designed to help andencourage all colleagues to achieve and maintain appropriate standards ofconduct, attendance and job performance. The disciplinary and appeals procedurewill be in the Employee Handbook and will be available from the PersonnelDepartment within each store.

13. Fair Treatment Procedure

The Company recognises that from time to time employees may have a grievanceor complaint about their employment. The Company policy is to help anindividual who has a complaint get it sorted fairly, confidentially andwherever possible, locally and informally. The parties of the Agreementrecognise that all employees have the right to a working environment free frombullying and harassment and regard any such conduct as a serious andunacceptable form of behaviour. Such behaviour will be regarded as a seriousdisciplinary offence warranting, where appropriate, summary dismissal. The FairTreatment procedure will be in the Employee Handbook and will be available fromthe Personnel Department within each store.

14. Equal Opportunities

The parties to this Agreement are committed to the development of positivepolicies to promote equal opportunities in employment regardless of acolleague's sex, marital status (nee), colour, race, ethnic origins,disability, trade union membership or sexual orientation. This principle willapply in respect of all conditions of work.

14.1 The Company encourages training and development of all colleagues andprovides promotion opportunities equally to those colleagues looking foradvancement. The Union pledges its full support of this activity.

14.2 If a colleague considers that he or she may be subject to unequaltreatment, then he or she may make a complaint, which will be dealt withthrough the agreed Fair Treatment procedure.

15. Health and Safety

Both parties recognise their joint responsibility for Health and Safety atWork and the necessity for having an effective and comprehensive Health andSafety Policy.

The procedures laid down in the Health and Safety at Work Act will beadhered to:

- A designated Health and Safety Representative will be appointed by theUnion in each store.

- working hours to perform their duties and also undergo any such trainingas may be agreed by the Company and the Union.

16. Amendment/Termination

- One month's notice will be given in writing to amend any clause in thisAgreement.

- Six months' notice in writing will be given to terminate thisAgreement.

17. Date of Operation

This Agreement will be operative from 14 November 2001 and will supersedeany previous Agreement.

Signed for on behalf of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited _______ JohnAdshead - Director

Signed on behalf of the Usdaw Union __________________________ John Hannett– Deputy General Secretary


Appendix A


These arrangements for training are intended to provide Usdaw shop stewardswith a systematic programme to support them in their role. The training isseparated into the following parts:

1. Initial briefing for new shop stewards. 2. Introductory training course.3. Follow On training. 4. Specialist training. 5. Access to Company skillstraining. 6. Support for informal learning

Training for Safety Representatives is covered in a separate paper.

Principles for Training

- It is primarily the responsibility of Usdaw to train its representatives,though the Company must also play its role.

- Training should be ongoing, flexible and based around participativelearning.

- Attendance on Company skills training courses is supplementary to and doesnot replace Usdaw's training.

1. Initial Briefing for New Shop Stewards

This briefing introduces a new representative to the role of the shopsteward, the importance of constructive industrial relations and the support,training and assistance available to the shop steward.

More specifically, the briefing will cover the following topics:


- The relationship between the manager and the shop steward.

- The shop steward's pack.

- The role of the representative in.

- Representation.

- Advice and Communication.

- Recruitment.

- The support and assistance available.

- The facilities available for the shop steward.

- Future training and support.


- Gathering and recording information.

- Listening.


- Open and honest approach to the role.

- Trustworthy and approachable.

- Working together with the store manager.

- Equal opportunities.

The briefing will take place on-site as soon as possible after election andwill last up to four hours. The briefing will be taken by the Usdaw AreaOrganiser with the store manager attending for the discussion about therelationship between the manager and the shop steward.

2. Introductory Training Course

This course will concentrate on helping Union representatives to representmembers in the procedures, to recruit members, to develop better workingrelationships with members, other officials and managers and, finally, todevelop a better understanding of trade union aims and values.

The emphasis is on developing the representatives' confidence and supportingthe representatives in their role within the store context.


- The role of representative.

- Grievance and disciplinary procedures.

- Union aims and values.

Sainsburys Colleague Handbook Template

- Union services and benefits.

- Basic Union/Company structures.

- Contracts and sources of information.

- Recruiting.

- Developing working relationships with members, managers and officials.


- Interviewing members.

- Note taking and recording information.

- Meeting skills (one to one, small groups).

- Listening skills.

- Feedback/reporting skills (one to one, small groups).

- Advocacy/representation.

- Locating and assessing information.

- Extracting key points from documents and statements.

- A methodical approach.


- Open, honest, credible and confident approach that is assertive but notaggressive.

- Equal opportunities for all.

3. Follow On Training Course

This course aims to focus on helping Union representatives to re-cap onrepresentational matters, to develop recruiting and presentational skills (withan emphasis on using the Induction session), to develop their ability toparticipate in Sainsbury or Usdaw structures and finally to develop anunderstanding of the equal opportunities, financial and legal context in whichthe Company operates.

There is greater emphasis on the wider context in which store matters takeplace.


- A re-cap on procedures.

- Speaking skills and running indications.

- Meeting management/negotiating skills.

- Harassment/bullying and equal opportunities issues and procedures.

- Sainsbury/Usdaw structures.

- Financial and sector awareness.

- Company/Usdaw structure.

- An introduction to employment law (in particular dismissal).


- Skills needed to run induction sessions and meeting skills.

- Presentational skills for groups, using video equipment and other aids.

- Extracting information from complex documents.

- Developing reporting and committee skills.


- Reinforcing the attributes covered on the introductory course.

- Promoting equal opportunities for all.

4. Specialist Training

More experienced shop stewards will require ad hoc training to meet specificneeds. Such training could include:

- Usdaw annual summer school.

- Usdaw training for branch officers.

- Usdaw/TUC training on specific subjects such as changes to employment law,equal opportunities, etc.

- TUC summer schools.

Additionally, Usdaw will provide opportunities for members and shop stewardsto attend specialist weekend courses organised by local Federations.

5. Access to Company Skills Training

Training provided by the Company may be useful for Usdaw shop stewards. Thiscould include modular sessions covering:

- Influencing skills.

- Problem solving.

- Decision making.

- Team building.

- Effective meetings.

- Communication skills.

Such training is intended to supplement and not replace training provided byUsdaw.

6. Support for Informal Learning

Learning not only takes place on formal courses but also throughopportunities to share knowledge and experience with other representatives.This informal learning helps the new and not so new representatives pick up theskills and knowledge needed to be well versed Union representatives. Thefollowing examples of good practice have been identified as opportunities forinformal learning.

Shadowing Experienced Representatives

A newly appointed representative can learn a lot from shadowing a moreexperienced representative. This would mean shadowing the experiencedrepresentative during a number of separate activities. These would include:

- Interviewing a member.

- Recruiting members.

- Attending a grievance hearing.

- Attending a disciplinary hearing.

- Seeking the answer to a query.

Sitting In/Shadowing Induction

The newly appointed representative can attend induction sessions with anexperienced representative or an Area Organiser. There should be time beforeand after the session to discuss what will happen and to debrief.

Representatives' Meeting Once a Month

Meeting other representatives gives opportunities to learn from each other'sexperience. This meeting would involve all the representatives in a store. Itwould provide an opportunity to share experience and review current practice.The agenda would include the following:

- Review of Action Points from previous meeting.

- Enquiries and current issues.

- Problems dealt with (grievance, discipline, etc).

- Report from meetings with management.

- Recruitment progress.

- Any other business.

- Action points.

Meeting with Regional Representatives

There will be an opportunity for new representatives to meet with regionalrepresentatives.


Appendix B

Regional Consultative Structure


- The regional consultative structures will consist of six regions.

- They will meet three times a year.

- One Union representative from each store will attend a Union only meetingto discuss and prepare an agenda for the joint meeting.

- The agenda will be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the jointmeeting.

- Joint Company meeting.


Regional Business Manager. Regional Human Resource partner. Full-time Unionofficial. Six Union representatives per region.

Format of the Meeting

Business Review.

Business Activity.

People Activity.

- Resourcing.

- Training.

- Culture.

- Policies.

T&G discussion items/tabled in advance communication of agreed agendaitems.

National Consultative Structure


- Two meetings per year, March and October.

- Union only meeting prior to joint meeting.

- The agenda will be submitted at least four weeks in advance of the jointmeeting.


- Senior Manager, Retail Operations.

- Senior Manager, Human Resource Retail.

- National Officer.

- Area Organiser x 1.

- Twelve Regional Union Representatives (must include Rep from NorthernIreland).

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Employee Handbook – TESCO



Employee Handbook – TESCO, A company which started off as a small stall in East London by Jack Cohen in 1919 is now a globally renowned retailer. It has expanded its business operations across 12 countries with 7,817 stores employing more than half a million employees in order to serve over millions of customers each week. UK being the home country for the company, Tesco's network consists of 3,561 stores serving 66 customers every second with the core value of giving them a better experience on every shopping trip. The company is headed towards challenging global crises like obesity and food waste through its widespread network (Tesco plc, 2015a).

Mission Statement

Tesco's mission is customer centric as the company wants to serve its consumers providing them a better quality and smooth way of living. Tesco communicates with its customers and incorporates innovation in the service style to better satisfy the needs of customers (Tesco plc, 2015a).

Sainsburys Our Colleague Handbook

Purpose of the human resource section

Human Resource department provides structure to the organization, managing the backbone of the company i.e. its employees. Its role starts with recruiting the best suitable candidates and therefore requires an in depth understanding of the need of the organization and also the applicant's qualities. HR needs to ensure workplace safety to compensate staff's health and safety at all times at the workplace. The department also looks into maintaining good relations between the employees and employer.

HR managers remain alert towards resolving any workplace conflicts that may arise, before these turn into a mob of unsatisfied labour unions (Ulrich, 2013; and Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Measuring job satisfaction at intervals helps in being up to date with an employee's commitment to the company's operations. Compensations, rewards and benefits are to be managed by HR, TESCO Employee Handbook for this they need to access performance of employees diligently. Continuous training and development of the employees at professional and personal level is also HR's responsibility; as both extrinsically and intrinsically satisfied employees will deliver the best service to the company (Mayhew, n.d.)

Human Resource Management

Personal Management

Personal management is an administrative function within an organisation which is carried out through the role of appointing and developing work force and abiding by the employment laws and related tasks (Reddy, 2004).

Human Resource Management

Human resource management is the management of staff and is the backbone of the company. It is aimed at achieving the success of the company by focussing upon personal and professional development (Banfield & Kay, 2012).

Differentiating Personal from Human Resource Management

The principal differences between the two types of management are laid out in table – 1 below (Wilson, 2014; and Storey, 2014).

Personnel Management

Human Resources Management

A reactive and conventional approach.A proactive and modern approach.
It is of administrative nature and belongs to the domain of routine functioning.It is of managerial nature and belongs to the domain of strategic integrated functions.
Focuses on employee's administration, welfare measures and relationship with the labour unions.Emphasizes upon maintenance, development, acquisition and motivation of employees.
Job is designed on the basis of distribution of labour.Job is designed on the basis of group and team working.
Less focused upon development or training of employees.More focused upon development or training of employees.
Decisions are made by top level authority.Decisions are made collectively, involving the workforce.
Focuses upon enhanced production rates and satisfaction of employees.Focuses upon participation of employees, productivity, organizational culture and effectiveness.

Sainsburys Colleague Handbook Examples

Table – 1

HRM Functions

The functions performed by Human Resource Management department can be classified into two basic types:

  • Managerial: Core managerial functions start with planning and consist of organization, staffing, direction and imparting control (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013).
  • Operational: These functions are principally carried out by the HR department for the rest of the departments of the company and encompass: industrial relations, integration, motivation, maintenance, compensation, development and procurement (Durai, 2010).

Various HRM functions and their interpretation by Tesco, are given in Table – 2 below (Haddock-Millar & Rigby, 2015).

HRM Function

Role at Tesco

PlanningForecasting techniques, determining plans, developing rules and procedures, and setting goals and objectives.
OrganizingDetermining authority, responsibility and accountability for each staff member.
StaffingRecruiting, industrial relations, benefits, rewards, training and development and employment.
DirectingMotivating towards goal achievement by boosting morale on individual and group level.
ControllingMeasuring efficiency against tasks assigned to individuals and teams.
ProcurementRecruitment and selection, HR planning, job analysis and design.
DevelopmentDevelopment and training programs for employees and executives for continuous improvement of skills, abilities and knowledge.
CompensationConcerns employee performance evaluation and recognition system.
MaintenanceRetaining efficient and experienced employees through HR activities like recreation, transportation, counselling, and health benefits.
IntegrationConsidering industry relations, being up to date with labour laws and regulations so as not to encounter any negative action from the labour unions.

Table – 2

Roles in HRM

Line Manager:

Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook For Teachers

Line manager has the role of a supervisor, allocating work to subordinates, through policies and decisions for achieving a company's objectives (Web Finance, 2015).

Importance of Line Manager:

Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Breaks

Line manager is in close contact with the employees; thus have the responsibility of interviewing suitable candidates according to the job requirement, TESCO Employee Handbook setting targets to be achieved by each individual. They have to assess employees' performance through employee appraisal form and decide if the employees deserve a reward and what that reward should be, TESCO Employee Handbook like making salary increase recommendations and other benefits. Continuous development and motivation of employees are also the responsibilities of line mangers (Sikora, Ferris & Van Iddekinge, 2015).

Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Pdf

Responsibilities of Line Managers at Tesco

Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Letter

The responsibilities of line managers at Tesco include (Hadjisolomou, 2015):

Ensuring each and every employee understands his….

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